About ASHE Cuyahoga Valley
American Society of Highway Engineers
Akron/Canton, Ohio ASHE
On March 28, 1979, the National American Society of Highway Engineers granted charter membership to the Cuyahoga Valley Section of ASHE. Joseph Martinelli, National Vice President of ASHE, presented the charter to the first elected Cuyahoga Valley Section President, Chuck Luff. The first officers for the Section were Thomas Mudd, First Vice President; Thomas Criswell, Second Vice President; Guss Arrendale, Secretary; Chuck Werling, Treasurer. The first Board of Directors consisted of Paul Scala, David Fielder, and George Lockhart.
The first Cuyahoga Valley Section meeting was held at Henry’s Lamplight Restaurant on N. Main Street in Akron, Ohio. The Section meetings were initially held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Meetings are still held monthly, and typically near the end of each month, however, the days now vary. The approach to the meeting topics has remained constant over the years. The majority of meetings present technical information regarding design and construction techniques for highway improvements. The meetings begin with a social hour, followed by dinner, and the presentation of the meeting’s topic. As our industry and the people participating in the industry have changed, we have been encouraged to make the meeting more accommodating to our memberships’ busy schedules. Luncheon meetings, joint meeting with other professional societies, and strictly social meetings have been incorporated into our meeting calendar. Construction site field tours and highway product planet tours have also been added to our mix of technical presentations. With continuing education requirements for PE license, PDH’s are now offered to members attending our technical meetings.
The Cuyahoga Valley membership has grown over the years. The charter members of this Section represented the various groups that define the highway industry. Those original 46 members worked hard to educate potential members and grow this Section. They were successful in their goals. We have consistently maintained between 30 to 150 members on our active roster. The membership still provides a good cross section of the people participating in the highway industry. Our rooster is currently comprised of consultants 50%, government agencies employees 28%, contractors 2%, material suppliers 7%, utility company employees 4%, and retired persons 9%.
The Cuyahoga Valley Section is actively pursuing the diversification and growth goals we established in 2002. The majority of our regularly active members are well-established individuals within their separate organizations. We rely on these members contacting, educating, and presenting new potential members to ASHE. This strategy has been this Section’s approach for many years. It has ensured potential members who are aware of the commitments this organization seeks and members whose character can be vouched for. We also have conducted membership drives in the past where we have awarded prizes. This has been successful and we plan on conducting others in the future.
Nov 2009 the Cuyahoga Valley Section Board of Directors established the Michael J. Rehfus Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund. The fund was named in memory of long time member, Past President and Director of Cuyahoga Valley Section, Mike Rehfus. Mike was serving as the Stark County Engineer at the time he lost his courageous battle to cancer. The first annual scholarship was awarded to University of Akron Civil Engineering student in April 2010. A plaque is on display in the Stark County Engineer’s office where each year’s recipient’s name is added to the memorial scholarship plaque.
More Information about ASHE may be found at the national website: American Society of Highway Engineers